The legislation of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 makes sure that companies are qualified to carry out any works involving the highway and follow the relevant regulations. The standardisation of highway works helps companies to work effectively alongside local authorities whilst works are being carried out. Through this act, an increase in road safety is gained, along with a reduction in disruption caused to road users and improved road safety.
Training in NRSWA would be suitable for companies and individuals whose work is carried out on the public highway, with a view to: ensuring journey reliability times, protecting the highway structure, giving respective counties extra powers to police highway works, ensuring safety and minimising inconvenience to road users and the general public.
The New Roads and Street works Act 1991 states that NRSWA qualifications are a legal requirement for utility companies and those working under Section 50 licences when carrying out works that call for the excavation and reinstatement of the highway. Where works are subject to the Act there must be a minimum of 1 qualified operative on every site who is qualified for the operations being carried out and there must be a Supervisor available to visit the site at least on a daily basis.
NRSWA qualifications enhance the likelihood of your company securing work and give individuals a notable CV boost, as they are time and again specified by organisations seeking to employ contractors for work on the highway.
Training can be broken down to individual requirements by a combination of the relevant training units and modules appropriate to each candidate’s role. These main areas of competence include The monitoring and reinstatement of road surfaces and sub-layers, signing, lighting and guarding, the location and avoidance of underground apparatus and the excavation in the and monitoring of the highway.
Qualifications are awarded via City and Guilds Certification leading to registration with the Street Works Qualifications Register (SWQR). SWQR registration is available for combinations of units dependant on individual requirements. Prior to attending and training, candidates should consult with a course provider to identify which units need to be studied in order to gain the required certification.
Individual units are assessed through a combination of written exams, oral questioning and practical assessment. In addition to this, Supervisors are assessed whilst they watch the performance of an Operative. Candidates are required during completion of some units, to produce sketches and carry out risk assessments.
TQ Exel is one of the UK’s premier providers of training to the construction industry, we provide NRSWA Training and Streetworks courses throughout the UK either at one of our training centres or at your business location. NRSWA Training