Air Conditioning Tips Provided By Broward County AC Repair Services

South Florida summers can be long and brutal and your home air conditioning has to work hard to keep up with the demand. In fact, it works very hard from May through October, each year. These tips from your Broward County AC repair service will help you keep cool all summer long and save on home cooling costs.

It only takes a few minutes to change your air filter but many homeowners neglect to do this often enough. A dirty filter reduces the flow of cool air in the house and reduces the efficiency of your air conditioning. Change filters at least once per month, and if you live in area that is dusty, check the filter twice monthly.

If you want to save on electricity in hot weather, make it easier on the cooling system. Appliances like ranges and clothes dryers can place a great deal of heat inside the home. This makes your air conditioner work much harder. Wait until early morning or late at night to use these appliances and the house will stay cooler.

It only takes a minute to turn on the garden hose and spray the outdoor coils on the AC unit. A condenser fan blows through these coils to remove heat from the system. If the coils are dirty, it cannot properly cool the house. Cleaner coils outside will help everyone inside stay more comfortable, and you will avoid breakdowns.

Closing the drapes can save money on electric bills in hot weather. For example, keep out the morning sun by closing eastern drapes. In the afternoon, make sure that the western drapes are closed. This keeps the hot sun from entering your home.

Every spring, contact your Broward County heating and cooling professionals for a seasonal checkup. They will make sure that the system is completely clean and ready for the hot weather ahead. This can help you avoid many common AC problems and keep you feeling cool and fresh for the entire summer.

Get an overview of the advantages of using the services of a Broward County AC repair company and more information about a reliable company at now.