How To Build SEO-Friendly Websites

When hearing about website design, most people easily think of art-the appearance of the site, its colors, its images and videos, its layout, and other related elements. Although this remains to be true until now, it is also important to know that there is more in web designing that meets the eye.

The competition among online businesses is getting tougher year after year, so capturing users’ attention is now as challenging as making them know that a website in fact exists. New web design practices have emerged, and the most popular among them is the implementation of search engine optimization or SEO techniques.

You must be aware that SEO has a lot to do with using keywords and phrases that users are likely to use in searching for Internet sites they need. SEO is used by designers as a factor in selecting the best interface style, content structure, template, and layout, among others.

The quality of the content will also be enhanced with new design. Search engines rely on textual content and do not comprehend photos, videos, flash presentations, and other related media. It is important to balance the appearance of textual and non-textual content so search engines can acknowledge the significance of every web page.

Most of the design optimization that professionals should execute lies in coding tweaks. The tweaks, put plainly, make the website more readable to engines. These involve improving the robots.txt file, the sitemap, the tags, the page titles, and the meta descriptions; renaming the web address using keywords and search phrases; and ensuring that every page passes web standards.

Redesigning a website also requires a reassessment of content quality. Every website design should be appealing both to search engine crawlers and to online users. The content then, although richly peppered in keywords and phrases, should not sound like it is written more for robots than for humans. Website owners therefore should be open to either minimal or extensive content modification depending on the designers’ findings.

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