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Open textIn What Manner Discovering Need is Critical to Closing. understanding closing is critical if you are to become a successful network marketer. while there are many different approaches to closing, some are more effective than others. so the best thing is to learn an approach that is effective and will accomplish your goal to build a network marketing organization. there is one indisputable fact. people hate being sold, but they love to buy. this is the exact opposite of that hard sell approach used to so many armature salespeople. in this approach the salesman simply tries to convince the customer of the benefits of their product or service without even knowing the customer’s needs. they simply use energy and forcefulness to try to talk the customer or prospect into their product or service. this is the type of hard sell that most people shy away from. if you do end up closing your prospect, you will probably see many of these people quit. your prospect may buy your company’s start up product kit, but that may most likely be the last sale that you make with them. obviously, this is not a very good or effective way to build a network and your organization will really be built on quicksand. this is also the type of scenario where you are constantly rebuilding your organization with new recruits. the answer to this area of “closing” is to discover the prospect or customers needs, wants and desires. it is only in discovering their need that you even have the right offer your business as a solution to their problem. this is accomplished through becoming an “active listener”, probing to find what they want or need. your goal is to provide a solution for that need. in order to do that you must first know what their need actually is. this is accomplished by the discipline of asking your prospect questions. find out about what is causing the “pain” in their lives. use the concept of form. this anachronism stands for family, occupation, recreation and message. you don’t give the message until you have an understanding of the first three. it is in one of those areas that you will most certainly find their “pain”. this is called the art form of probing. notice i used the word “art” as this is a subtle process. you need to become an adroit interviewer so that you can begin to understand your prospect. this requires a significant amount of rapport building. it will also demand that you use questions like, “can you elaborate” and “can you clarify”. this probing will lead you to understand what the “pain” is in their life. it is only when you have identified the pain that you begin to offer the solution to their problem. in conclusion, remember to focus on your prospect and while building rapport. that means the conversation should be focused on them and not you. it also means that you learn the art of listening. it is this type of approach that all the top network marketers use and perfect. discover your prospects needs, and then help them fill their needs, wants, and desires and you will have a distributor for life. if you are suffering with attaining people into your mlm enterprise, get tips on how to close and become versed with how to generate targeted leads for your concern. related posts. the most inexpensive ways of establishing an ebay business search on the web for a huge selection of stun guns for women information about heating things up with high temperature lubricants what you should know about bathroom concrete new york services crucial tips for those beginning a new blog pre production checklist
Download audioDownloaded:0 In What Manner Discovering Need is Critical to Closing. understanding closing is critical if you are to become a successful network marketer. while there are many different approaches to closing, some are more effective than others. so the best thing is to learn an approach that is effective and will accomplish your goal to build a network marketing organization. there is one indisputable fact. people hate being sold, but they love to buy. this is the exact opposite of that hard sell approach used to so many armature salespeople. in this approach the salesman simply tries to convince the customer of the benefits of their product or service without even knowing the customer’s needs. they simply use energy and forcefulness to try to talk the customer or prospect into their product or service. this is the type of hard sell that most people shy away from. if you do end up closing your prospect, you will probably see many of these people quit. your prospect may buy your company’s start up product kit, but that may most likely be the last sale that you make with them. obviously, this is not a very good or effective way to build a network and your organization will really be built on quicksand. this is also the type of scenario where you are constantly rebuilding your organization with new recruits. the answer to this area of “closing” is to discover the prospect or customers needs, wants and desires. it is only in discovering their need that you even have the right offer your business as a solution to their problem. this is accomplished through becoming an “active listener”, probing to find what they want or need. your goal is to provide a solution for that need. in order to do that you must first know what their need actually is. this is accomplished by the discipline of asking your prospect questions. find out about what is causing the “pain” in their lives. use the concept of form. this anachronism stands for family, occupation, recreation and message. you don’t give the message until you have an understanding of the first three. it is in one of those areas that you will most certainly find their “pain”. this is called the art form of probing. notice i used the word “art” as this is a subtle process. you need to become an adroit interviewer so that you can begin to understand your prospect. this requires a significant amount of rapport building. it will also demand that you use questions like, “can you elaborate” and “can you clarify”. this probing will lead you to understand what the “pain” is in their life. it is only when you have identified the pain that you begin to offer the solution to their problem. in conclusion, remember to focus on your prospect and while building rapport. that means the conversation should be focused on them and not you. it also means that you learn the art of listening. it is this type of approach that all the top network marketers use and perfect. discover your prospects needs, and then help them fill their needs, wants, and desires and you will have a distributor for life. if you are suffering with attaining people into your mlm enterprise, get tips on how to close and become versed with how to generate targeted leads for your concern. related posts. the most inexpensive ways of establishing an ebay business search on the web for a huge selection of stun guns for women information about heating things up with high temperature lubricants what you should know about bathroom concrete new york services crucial tips for those beginning a new blog pre production checklist
Understanding closing is critical if you are to become a successful network marketer. While there are many different approaches to closing, some are more effective than others. So the best thing is to learn an approach that is effective and will accomplish your goal to build a network marketing organization.
There is one indisputable fact. People hate being sold, but they love to buy. This is the exact opposite of that hard sell approach used to so many armature salespeople. In this approach the salesman simply tries to convince the customer of the benefits of their product or service without even knowing the customer’s needs. They simply use energy and forcefulness to try to talk the customer or prospect into their product or service.
This is the type of hard sell that most people shy away from. If you do end up closing your prospect, you will probably see many of these people quit. Your prospect may buy your company’s start up product kit, but that may most likely be the last sale that you make with them. Obviously, this is not a very good or effective way to build a network and your organization will really be built on quicksand. This is also the type of scenario where you are constantly rebuilding your organization with new recruits.
The answer to this area of “closing” is to discover the prospect or customers needs, wants and desires. It is only in discovering their need that you even have the right offer your business as a solution to their problem. This is accomplished through becoming an “active listener”, probing to find what they want or need. Your goal is to provide a solution for that need. In order to do that you must first know what their need actually is.
This is accomplished by the discipline of asking your prospect questions. Find out about what is causing the “pain” in their lives. Use the concept of FORM. This anachronism stands for family, occupation, recreation and message. You don’t give the message until you have an understanding of the first three. It is in one of those areas that you will most certainly find their “pain”.
This is called the art form of probing. Notice I used the word “art” as this is a subtle process. You need to become an adroit interviewer so that you can begin to understand your prospect. This requires a significant amount of rapport building. It will also demand that you use questions like, “can you elaborate” and “can you clarify”. This probing will lead you to understand what the “pain” is in their life. It is only when you have identified the pain that you begin to offer the solution to their problem.
In conclusion, remember to focus on your prospect and while building rapport. That means the conversation should be focused on them and not you. It also means that you learn the art of listening. It is this type of approach that all the top network marketers use and perfect. Discover your prospects needs, and then help them fill their needs, wants, and desires and you will have a distributor for life.
If you are suffering with attaining people into your mlm enterprise, get tips on how to close and become versed with how to generate targeted leads for your concern.