If you’d like to increase your vertical leap by up to fifty percent, in as little as a couple weeks, you’ve come to the right place. By the time you finish reading this article, you will know how to apply your subconscious mind power to dramatically increasing how high you can jump. This, of course, will translate into increased physical prowess in almost any sport.
First of all, don’t be put off by the thought of your subconscious mind. A lot of people affiliate this together with mysticism and new age types of things, but that’s far from the truth. Your subconscious mind is simply your substantial, very effective computer that operates beyond your informed awareness. It keeps your heart beating, your lungs breathing, and your hair growing.
You may also program your subconscious to easily achieve any target. And truth be told, reaching enhanced sports performance is just about the easiest objectives to accomplish by proper programming of the subconscious mind. When programmed appropriately, your subconscious mind will adjust all other areas of your life, such as sleep, diet, and desire to exercise, to make your goal come true.
Research has shown this to be real. Several college students showed that simply by imagining (that is a way to program your subconscious) doing free throws repeatedly, they really improved their total percentages.
How can you make this happen? Easy. First get a concept of how high you want to leap. Make it a stretch, but not too much so it is going to be tough to believe. As an example, if you can only jump eight inches or so, make your primary goal to leap 12, which will be a fifty percent increase. Get a clear notion of what it would look like to observe yourself jump 12 inches off the floor. Mark this elevation versus a wall, and prepare a visualization which you could actually notice yourself jumping this high. Create the actual visualization from numerous angles.
Now you have your miniature movie to play, you’ll need to come up with some phrases to go with it. Basic statements that summarize what you can do to leap that high. If you can, make believe a respected coach or role model is telling you how high it is possible to jump. Even if you’ve never met the person, if you have a concept of what their voice sounds like, this will work.
Whenever you mix your picture, or miniature movie, with a well known role model’s voice, this will be very powerful. When you are very calm, and in a sleepy, drowsy mind-set, much like when you are about to fall asleep, play the movie, and play the voice, continuously. With sufficient consistency, you’ll be jumping higher than ever sooner than you think.
Clearly and universally employ your amazing subconscious mind power to dramatically increase the power of subconscious.