The Effects Of Sexism In Sports

There are many areas in which females have been looked down upon. Each and every day women are fighting to be given equal treatment as compared to male. This stretches all the way from allocation of jobs, in the education sector and a recent one is in the sports sector. This has however not been given much attention and majority of the people are not aware of sexism in sports as a rising issue.

Additionally, there have been numerous complaints in regards to how women are treated in this sector as they are constantly verbally ambushed and sometime even sexually harassed in the physical aspect. This is usually from their male colleagues and coaches who take advantage of the fact that they are the minorities; hence, affecting the spirit of these athletes in terms of their competitiveness.

Also, in the past years, complaints have been got about the kind of clothes that the females wear during the sporting activities. The clothes are tight and small mainly supposed to attract the male gender. Some are very small to the extent that they make the sportsmen uncomfortable. Efforts should be made to accommodate all types of people such that they do not dress in attires which are not pleasant to them.

Also, many females suffer verbal and sexual abuse from their male counterparts. There are many cases which have been reported of female sports persons been subjected to sexual abuse. They are either called sexual abusive names or they are mishandled sexually. Others have been raped and this is an issue that needs to be deeply looked into.

There are some cases where women are chosen to participate in games with regard to how they look. Most of these games forget about the skills and concentrate in their looks. There is however no case in history where the physical appearance of the male players has been taken into consideration. This has highly contributed to female discrimination in this sector.

During the years, games such as football have been deemed to be a mans only area. The introduction of female football has not been well received in the society as they are seen incapable of handling this kind of game. Posts such as coaches, trainers and referees are not given to females because it is feared that they may not perform as well as the men do and this is a form of judging the ladies.

In the golf arena, sexism is highly pronounced. This is seen as a mans territory. It has gone to the extent in which some clubs are created to be strictly for men. Women are not allowed to subscribe to these clubs. Many of the competing golfers were questioned concerning these issue and they seemed reluctant to speak about the matter.

In conclusion, there Is no benefit of giving an upper hand in this games. Equality should always be emphasized. Rules and regulations should also be developed which fight sexism at all angles. Lastly, people should see both male and female as equal and all games and job opportunities should be open for all.

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